
​@Security in the wine cellar

​While the winedatabase cannot prevent a burglary, it can contribute perfect documentation of all stocks, values, and internal movements as well as to the method of an audit-proof, permanent inventory for insurance companies and police.

In many conversations in the course of our targeted work, both for and with winegrowers, restaurateurs, sommeliers and wine lovers, we have repeatedly been asked how secure administration via the winedatabase is.

Private wine collectors in particular want to protect what is safely stored in their cellar. It is a treasure that must be carefully guarde

​The winedatabase via the web/cloud application from SOMMELIER.FIT is protected with the highest security level on the virtual server itself and in daily operation access to the system via 2FA (2-factor authentication) with additional confirmation via PIN (SMS or email).

In addition, access to the system for listed visitors is structured via an extensive matrix with graded rights and roles as users.

The administrator of each individual winedatabase alone assigns the rights and roles for any other users. Every login, every work step in the system is automatically recorded resembling a virtual fingerprint. Data queries are carried out in a matter of seconds and can be exported in a printer-friendly manner – if needed – in familiar formats such as Excel and PDF.

All data, bottles, wines are guaranteed safe.

Press reports