
@Winemaker - wine dealer

What advantage does a winegrower or a wine dealer have if he uses the winedatabase?

If the winegrower or retailer has been working with an outdated program, still is most likely using it on an outdated hardware and is planning to switch to a modern solution on the Internet, the winedatabase can help him at short notice and at low cost.

If a company is in the process of being set up and administration has been based to date on an Excel spreadsheet, it makes sense to switch and upgrade to a forward-looking database solution with the winedatabase.

The core of the application was developed independently of the industry and has already been put to practical use in various projects in other work areas. The best feature is that the warehouse logistics operates via the Internet with the help of the winedatabase. Every movement immediately updates the online inventory and gives every authorized participant in the system a convenient overview of every bottle of wine, in every storage location and at any time ... via a notebook, tablet or smartphone.

All storage, retrieval and transfers are carried out by authorized users operating with common applicable browser programs. No investment in hardware, i.e., in servers, is required on the part of winedatabase customers.

All winedatabase data is stored exclusively in Austria by a professional Internet Service Provider. The provisions of the data protection regulation are 100% fulfilled.

The winedatabase is modeled in such a way that it can also be adapted into other sectors.

weinbankABO Anmeldung

Kostenloser Probemonat - Starthilfe
Übernahme von Excel-Stammdaten
Einschulung per ZOOM-Meeting

Kosten bei Bestellung: 
40 EUR (exkl. MWST) pro Monat